

This is pretty straighforward. If you own the CBM Installer program you may just used the supplied install script to install HTML-Heaven. Otherwise you can do it manually by just copying the files from the archive to your harddisk or a floppy. In a directory of your choice. And they are ready to run. All you still need to do is to copy the ARexx script that supports your editor to S: and rename it to HTML.rexx. As well as start up your text editor. Then you can start one or more of the programs in the HTML-Heaven suite. An you are up and running. You might want to create a script like below that starts your editor, as well as maybe a default file that already contains a HTML document framwork, and then one or more of the HTML-Heaven programs. The example script below runs the standard Amiga Ed editor, with the sys:HTML/default.html file as a parameter. It then runs both HTML-Genie and ToolKit. (You will need to have a sys:HTML directory, containing a file FrameWork.html of course to use this script.)

C:Run ED SYS:HTML/FrameWork.html C:Run HTML-Genie C:Run ToolKit

I run a similar script that I have aliassed as HEd. Works pretty well. Putting such a script in ToolManager or running it with XIcon should not present a problem either.

Here's an example of a script for registered users using GoldEd, HTML-Genie and ToolKit. It starts all three in specified positions and loads a default file into GoldEd1.0. In this case it contains a framework for an HTML page. The preferences for GoldEd contains the opening position of it's window, as well as width and height. Also WordWrap is switched off..

C:GED CONFIG=env:GoldEd/GoldEd-HTML.prefs S:FrameWork.HTML

Another example is this script created by Cletus Baker for use with TurboText.

/** ** This script launches the HTML Heaven suite of programs and ** loads the HTML template into the current TurboText window. ** Made by Cletus Baker. Thanks Cletus! **/ options results Address 'TURBOTEXT' 'ActivateLastDoc' Address value result GetWindowInfo parse upper var result icon x y width height minwidth minheight numviews offset = 60 if ~((height-offset) < minheight) then do MoveSizeWindow x (y+offset) width (height-offset) end else exit SetPrefs WordWrap OFF Address command 'run >nil: TurboText:Support/HTML-Helper PUBSCREEN=TURBOTEXT' Address command 'run >nil: TurboText:Support/Toolkit PUBSCREEN=TURBOTEXT TOPEDGE=230 LEFTEDGE=486' exit


All four programs may be run from either the Shell ( Registered users may supply parameters) or from their icon. ( Registered users may supply ToolTypes)

To help users understand the HTML language, an AmigaGuide format document that describes HTML is included in this archive. It's a conversion from an original HTML document to AmigaGuide format. But it's by no means a complete reference. As the HTML language is still developing, the latest references are available on the World Wide Web.

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Page created using HTML-Heaven. ©1994 by Paul Kolenbrander (